Yoga Poses for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Yoga for Fibromyalgia — Yoga Teacher Training Goa — Mantra Yoga School

Yoga for Fibromyalgia — Pain Relieve

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder and Doctors often consider fibromyalgia to be a type of arthritis. As with typical arthritic conditions, it causes pain. Unlike arthritis, however, it does not cause significant damage to muscles or joints.

Fibromyalgia causes significant musculoskeletal pain, as well as changes in the ability to think, remember, and Sleep!

Fibromyalgia can affect anyone, but it is most common in women aged 40–70 years, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

Medications are available for treating fibromyalgia, but there is evidence trusted Source to suggest that exercise, movement and body awareness, and muscle strength training may also all help.

Yoga combines all of these approaches, and it may relieve pain and muscle stiffness.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that affects up to 10 million+ Americans, most of them specially women.

Yoga for Easing the fibromyalgia Pain

People with fibro-myalgia often have chronic tension in the upper back, shoulders, and neck — places where 10 of the 15 tender points are located. All three areas are easily targeted with a few simple yoga poses. “A favourite pose for many of my students is seated Garudasana (Eagle Pose), because it stretches the muscles around the shoulder blades in the upper back,” says Sarvottam Ji.

He also recommends Brahma Pranayama, Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) to extend the back while opening the chest as well as gentle head rotations to relieve tension in the large muscles on the sides of the neck. He also offers this advice: Stay warm, because cold can tighten muscles; move slowly; breathe into painful areas; and work both sides of the body evenly to maintain balance, even if the pain is only on one side.

Types of yoga

Many different types of yoga exist. Some focus on slow, controlled movements, while others can be as intensive as a hard run. The types of yoga include:

Hatha yoga is the most common type of yoga that classes in India, United States and around the world to practice and teach.

Restorative yoga is a low intensity, rejuvenating practice. It incorporates assistive devices, such as blankets, bolsters, belt and blocks.

Ashtanga yoga is an intense and challenging style that involves practicing a specific series of poses in the same order.

Bikram yoga involves progressing through 26 poses in a heated room.

Vinyasa yoga is a continuous, flowing type of yoga that can be physically challenging.

Doctors have not defined a specific type of yoga that is best for people with fibromyalgia. Anyone practicing yoga should take into account any personal physical limitations, especially if they plan to engage in intense exercise or want to exercise in hot temperatures.

Sarvottam Ji Suggest — Suskma Vyayama (Subtle Yoga Poses) where movement of body parts are practiced. Also, Yin Yoga, Restorative yoga and Herb like Metthi, Mint, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Amla,Turmaric and Giloy should be added in daily eating habit.

Regular exercise can help decrease fibromyalgia-related pain. Moderate forms of exercise that may be beneficial include swimming, riding a bicycle, participating in water aerobics, and walking. Overly strenuous exercise may worsen the pain.

Massage therapy involves using the hands to manipulate muscles and soft tissues, and it can help relieve stress and anxiety in people with fibromyalgia.

As with most medical conditions, healthful self-care measures — such as eating nutritious foods — can help a person with fibromyalgia have a better quality of life.

The 12 best yoga poses for fibromyalgia

Yoga for beginners can start with these eight postures. Many of these poses take their cue from yin yoga, a practice that utilizes long holds and deep breaths to gently open the body. Take your time and allow your mind to become quiet as you explore.

Again, check with your doctor to make sure these are all safe for you to do.

Standing forward bend, or Uttanasana

To do the standing forward bend:

1. Stand with the feet hip-width apart.

2. Bend forward from the hip joints.

3. If possible, place the fingertips or palms on the floor. People who cannot reach the floor with the hands can place the palms on the tops of the thighs or calves instead.

After staying in this position for 30–60 seconds, slowly roll the body up until standing straight. Anyone with a bad back may prefer to keep a bend in the knees.

2. Bridge pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

To do this pose:

1. Lie on the floor on the back.

2. Bend the knees, putting both feet flat on the floor.

3. Straighten the arms and, if possible, clasp them together beneath the body while exhaling and lifting the tailbone off the floor, keeping the buttocks tightened.

4. Hold this pose for 30–60 seconds.

5. Exhale while slowly rolling the lower back and spine toward the floor.

To protect the neck and reduce discomfort while lying face-up on the floor, place a rolled-up blanket under the shoulders.

Anyone with a history of neck injury should avoid this pose.

3. Cobra pose, or Bhujangasana

The cobra pose can stretch tired legs and open up the chest muscles. To perform this pose:

1. Lie face-down on the floor with the hands under the shoulders and the palms on the floor.

2. Pull the elbows back toward the body.

3. Inhale and push into the palms, straightening the arms until the upper body lifts off the floor. Do not lift the feet or pelvis off the floor.

4. Feel the stretch across the chest and in the lower back.

5. Hold the position for 15–30 seconds, then release the pose and return to the starting position.

People should not do this pose during pregnancy or if they have a headache, carpal tunnel syndrome, or a back injury.

4. Corpse pose (Savasana)

Follow the steps below to do the corpse pose:

1. Lie flat on the back.

2. Breathe slowly in and out and visualize healing breath filling the body.

3. On breathing in, imagine the energy coming in to refresh the body.

4. When exhaling, feel the tension and pain flowing away.

5. Remain in the pose until ready to stop.

Practicing these poses daily may enhance a sense of well-being.

1. Legs up the wall

Some poses are particularly beneficial for helping to manage fibromyalgia pain or swelling. One excellent posture is legs up the wall pose.

To get into this pose, start with one hip against the wall. Lean back and support your torso with your forearms as you gently swing your legs up the wall. Your body will form an L-shape, with your back flat on the ground and your legs resting on the wall.

If your hamstrings are tight, place a blanket under your hips hips to lessen the stretch. You can also move your hips away from the wall and gently bend your knees. Enjoy this pose for anywhere from three to ten minutes, or even longer. Try to relax the mind, let go of thoughts, and tune into the breath.

This pose reduces stress and also encourages blood circulation. It may also help reduce swelling in the ankles that sometimes happens with fibromyalgia.

2. Reclined bound angle

Another feel-good restorative pose is reclined bound angle. Lying on your back, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Allow your knees to fall open to the sides. If the stretch is too much for your inner leg, use blocks or pillows to support your knees.

Breathe here for three to five minutes, or even longer, soaking up the restorative benefits of the pose.

3. Supine twist

Another excellent restorative pose in yoga for fibromyalgia is supine twist. A gentle twist also helps keep the digestive system healthy — a bonus for fibromyalgia sufferers with intestinal symptoms.

Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Open your arms to the shape of a T, then drop both knees to the right. If your knees don’t touch the ground, catch them with a pillow. You might also place a pillow between your knees.

Breathe here, allowing the left shoulder to relax towards the ground. If you would like a bigger twist, cross the top leg over the right for a pose called twisted root. Stay in this pose for three to five minutes, then switch sides.

4. Banana pose

Banana pose opens up the side body slowly and gently.

Lie on your back. Inhale your arms up and overhead, then move both legs to the lower left corner of your mat. Then move both arms to the upper left corner of the mat so that your body forms a banana shape. You will feel a big stretch along the right side of your body.

If you would like to experiment with more sensation, feel free to cross the right ankle either over or under your left ankle. Make sure your hips and shoulders stay flat on the ground.

If your shoulders are tight, or you feel numbness or tingling in your hands, separate your hands, or put a slight bend in your elbow. Let your head fall to whichever side is comfortable, then stay here for five minutes. Switch to the other side, bringing your arms down by your sides between stretches.

5. Downward facing dog

This quintessential yoga pose is a full-body, invigorating and strengthening posture. It can be modified as needed.

Start on all fours with your toes tucked under. Walk your hands one handprint forward, then exhale and lift your knees to hover off the ground. Take a deep breath in, then exhale and begin to lift your hips into the sky, making an upside-down V shape. Knees can stay bent as you breathe here.

You can experiment by peddling the feet, straightening one leg and then the other. Keep your hips lifting high. Move your shoulder blades onto your back as you stretch the crown of your head to your hands, lengthening your neck. Keep your belly engaged, navel towards the spine.

Take three to five breaths here, then lower down to all fours on an exhale.

6. Forward fold

If mobility is an issue, try chair yoga for fibromyalgia. The following are three poses to get started.

Sit in a chair with a flat seat. Make sure your feet are firmly on the ground, with ankles directly below your knees. Have blocks or large books handy.

Take a nice deep breath in, feeling your sitting bones firmly ground on the chair, then hinge at the hips to fold forward over your thighs. Feet can be apart if that feels better. Make sure your hands are resting on something. Use blocks or other props if the floor is far away.

Breathe here for three minutes, then slowly roll up, one vertebra at a time, with your head coming up last.

7. Gentle twist

Sit with a nice tall spine, belly lightly engaged. Inhale deeply, and on an exhale, pull your navel to your spine as you begin to twist to the right. Your right arm can reach for the back of the chair, and the left hand can rest on the outside of your right thigh. Don’t crank your neck around — try to keep it in line with your shoulders.

Keep your knees aligned with each other as you twist. With every inhale, sit tall. With every exhale, twist just a bit deeper. Stay here for three to five breaths, then untwist with a tall spine on an inhale. Repeat to the left.

8. Figure-four hip opener

Fibromyalgia can create very tight hips. A seated figure-four stretch can help gently ease them open.

Sit again with a tall spine, feet firmly on the floor. Bring the right ankle to rest on the left knee, creating a figure-four shape. Let your hands rest on the right knee and ankle. If your right knee is level with the right ankle, you can hinge at the hips to fold forward until you feel the stretch. Otherwise, focus on releasing any tension in your right hip so that your knee can begin to relax down.

Stay here for three minutes, then switch to the other side. Even practicing just a few poses daily can help ease pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Mantra Yoga School offers Yoga teacher training Goa for Beginners and Intermediate practitioners in india and Nepal.

Yoga practice Benefits in Fibromyalgia

Reduces muscular tension

One of the hallmarks of fibromyalgia is muscle tightness and stiffness. Easy stretches for large muscles can prevent those muscles from seizing up or feeling stagnant. Even practicing a gentle forward fold with knees bent and chest relaxed onto the thighs can wake up tight hamstrings and back muscles.

Likewise, a wide-legged forward fold on the ground opens up hips, and lunges keep hip flexors mobile. Warm muscles that stay flexible are muscles that are less prone to tightness, and that can help manage your fibro pain.

2. Improves spinal alignment

Your skeleton, wrapped in muscle and tendon, is beautifully designed to support the weight of the body. If something is out of alignment, though, pain and stiffness is usually the result.

When joints and tendons are aching, the impulse might be to hunch over or cradle them to decrease the pain. Yoga for fibromyalgia teaches you how to properly align your skeletal system so that your whole body is properly supported.

In addition to flexibility and spinal alignment, gentle, consistent yoga for fibromyalgia helps keep muscles strong. Strong muscles provide more support. Strong muscles help increase stamina so daily tasks are not as difficult.

Thank you for Reading!

Sarvottam Kumar

Yoga Teacher Training India



Mantra Yoga & Meditation School India

Mantra- Encashed Sound Energy in sanskrit letters — become a most powerful spiritual words of sound. Yoga — Unity of Body -Breath and Mind. Meditation-Dhyan